Happy 4th

I know I haven’t done my now-long-overdue Porc Fest update, but life keeps moving and so do I.

This is the day we Americans celebrate our independence. Since it’s a Sunday, it only makes sense that Church have a festive 4th of July theme. Indeed, we sang patriotic songs, honored those who have served or are currently serving in the military, and heard a patriotic message. I suppose I find it ironic, though, that we pledge allegiance to the flag in church. That seems beyond inappropriate to me. Our allegiance should be to God, and the whole pledge thing bugs me anyway. What ever happened to “let your yes be yes, and your no, no.” Guess that got lost somewhere along the way.

The message, though, was pretty good. I suppose the highlight for me was the idea that we can and should do what we can to make things better. And if we do, we risk success. 50 people who didn’t know each other with 30 minutes together radically altered the course of history onboard United flight 93. I couldn’t help but make a parallel to last weekend in New Hampshire. 300 people who barely know each other (I had met just a few of them, maybe less than a dozen, prior to Porc Fest) have what I believe is a short amount of time to make a difference. If we see America spiraling downward and don’t do anything about it, leaving the job to our children or grandchildren, we may escape the worst of it (having died by then), but we haven’t served our country. And serving our country is a part of the great(est) commandments: Love God and Love People.

While I don’t pretend to be able to save the world all by myself, maybe with the help of 6,000 liberty loving Free State Project participants, we can at least create an example of practically applied liberty in New Hampshire. If, working together, we can do that relatively smaller task, then we may show the rest of the nation and the rest of the world how to help themselves.

Let’s roll…


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